Friday, October 4, 2024

The Wonder Bread Years.

 Game # 12 - July 9th, 2024

Hurtin' Units vs. Shake and Bake.

Hurtin' Units lose 24-15

Team Record – 3-9-0

Coventry Park – For this game we find ourselves back on C1, the diamond where the Units have had no luck this season. We have had very little luck on any diamond this season, but C1 seems to be a diamond that we just can't keep the other team from piling up the runs. This game was our second meeting vs. The Shakers and Bakers, and in the first game, we looked good winning by a score of 12-6. The Shakers probably remembered that game and were looking for payback. The Units have not looked good in the last two games, giving up a total of 43 runs. We were in most games earlier in the season, but in the last two games we have looked shaky and booted the ball all around the diamond.

This game was our half way point in the season; game number 12 in the books and our record is not pretty. I could come up with excuses or say we have been unlucky, but really the bottom line is we need to play better. I looked at the standings this morning and it was depressing seeing the Units at the bottom again this season. Last season we were in the basement with only a 13 team division. This season we sit at the bottom in a 16 team division. I'm really not sure what we can do, but hopefully we can get things turned around in the second half. The HTKP tournament has always been a good bonding experience and can make a team play better, hopefully the Units can come away with some renewed confidence.

Game Time:

The weather for this game was warm, mid 20s, but it was humid and felt like a sticky night. There was almost no air movement. This was a scheduled 9:15pm game and the Units were the home team.

At game time, the Units had 9 of the regular team players, we were missing Kevin, Steve and Whitey. We picked up Billy (Babe) as a sub on the night. Thanks, Babe. Bev was the scorekeeper and Reagan was the umpire.

I'm not going to babble on about this game, I have a copy of the scoresheet and with Bev scorekeeping, it's easier to post the sheets and let everyone view what went down in this game. Thanks for scorekeeping Bev.

The Units have one more game this week, Thursday night at Keogh Park vs. The Bat Flippers. On Friday night we play our first game of the HTKP tournament. Hoping for a fun weekend. Go Units!!!

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