Thursday, October 3, 2024

Shake, Rattle and Roll.

Game #2 – May 21st , 2024

Hurtin' Units vs. The Shake and Bake.

Hurtin' Units win 12-6

Team Record - 1-1-0

COVENTRY PARK - The weather for this game was warm, almost a little muggy, the sky was clear, the temperature was in the 20s, but thankfully there was soft breeze C #2 for our 9:15 game. I subbed the 8:00pm game and the setting sun created a little havoc for some of the guys on the field.

At game time, the Units had 8 of the regular team players, we were missing Peter, Steve, Kevin and the other Steve. We picked up Mark Mumma and Jerry (Popeye) Muirhead. Thanks Jerry and Mark. Roman was the umpire for the game and Bev was the scorekeeper. I have to give a shout out to Beverly Steeves on the beauty of the scoresheet, it is perfect. Bev does a fantastic job scoring a game, and the detail and markings are so clean, you can tell every play on the field.

Just before game time (9:15), I was still finishing the game with the Tappers and so I was multi-tasking for the Units, bats, changing my shirt, getting the lineup, when I realized I didn't have the lineup, I had printed it out, but must have left it in my vehicle. I had to wing it, I took last week's lineup, crossed out 4 names, shifted others around, wrote in subs and when I was finished, it looked like it been run over by a transport truck. I even had to help Bev out trying to decipher the names and the batting order. It was messy.

So this game was game two on the schedule and we got a glimpse of the new Shake and Bake team, I also got to see the Units in action again. In game one, we didn't play all that well, but that was the first time most of us had played together.

This game was a little different, I thought our defense was stronger (it does hurt having Zander and Mumma in the outfield), Brandon finally saw some action at shortstop and Justin and Whitey were very good on the infield, throw in some awesome pitching and we looked pretty good. The offense, of the Units, was definitely stronger in this game; We even put up seven runs in the 3rd inning.

All in all, for a group of guys who were playing only their second
game, of the season together, we had a decent night picking up our first win of the season. I won't go in details of every inning in this post (it's too long already), I will included game sheets for those who want to take a look. One thing I should mention was Jamie hit a in-the-park home-run, we have already matched the number of home-runs we had last season.

The Hurtin' Units continue on their road trip to start the season. The Units now head to Tannerville to play the Master Batters in a make-up game on Wednesday evening.

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