Thursday, October 3, 2024

If you Can Dodge a Wrench, You can Dodge a City.


Game #3 – May 29th, 2024

Hurtin' Units vs. Dodge City

Hurtin' Units lose 14-9

Team Record – 1-2-0

COVENTRY PARK – On Monday night our game was cancelled again due to all the rain we had during the day. I was looking forward to playing our first game at Keogh and our first 7:00 pm game of the season. It was not to be and we find ourselves back at Coventry for this game vs. Dodge City. At least this game was on another diamond (C# 3) and there was not a threat of thunderstorms and rain. The weather was good for this game, but the wind was cold and it seemed to blow right through us. It was a little uncomfortable without a jacket. It was still a perfect night for baseball. The diamonds at Coventry and Keogh Park were buzzing with activity, all 16 teams in the 35+ division, were in action on this night, 8 games in total were played.

At game time, the Units had 9 of the regular team players, we were missing Alex, Steve and the other Alex was going to be late. We picked Gordy T. to help us out. Thanks, Gord. We didn't have a scorekeeper and the scoresheet reflects this (after the beautiful job Bev did last game), it was not easy to figure this mess out. In the first inning, we didn't have anyone even doing it. The Hurtin' Units were the home team in this game.  

I must thank both the Daves this week, Dave C. for the stats and results and Dave S. has been super busy finding subs for teams. These are time-consuming jobs and these guys are superheroes when it comes to getting the job done. Good work guys.  

It is hard to believe this was only our 3rd game this season. We did play last week, but the thunderstorms put an abrupt stop to that game and this week our Monday game was also cancelled, so game # 3 it is. I have subbed as many games this season as I have played with the Hurtin' Units.

I subbed for the Meatballs on Tuesday night vs. the Dodge City team, so I got a first-hand scouting report on the Dodge City squad. It didn't help in the Hurtin' Units game vs. Dodge.

In the first inning, the Units shut the door on Dodge and we scored 3 runs to take an early lead. In the second inning, Dodge scored 4 runs and the Units managed to get out of the inning stranding the bases loaded. In the bottom of the inning, Units scored another 5 runs to make the score 8-4 after two complete innings.

In the top of the 3rd inning, Dodge pounded the ball all around the diamond and when the dust settled Dodge had scored 7 more runs. What the F*** just happened? The Units were a little shell-shocked and went down quickly to the bottom. In the 4thinning, Dodge scored only a single run and left the bases loaded. In the bottom of the 4th inning, the Units scored only a single run. The score after 4 complete innings was 12-9 for Dodge.

The 5th inning would be the open inning, Dodge would tack on 2 more runs and the Units would go down 1,2,3 in the bottom. The final score was 14-9 for Dodge City.

All in all, for a group of guys who were playing only their third

game of the season together, we had a decent night, but we need to tighten up the defense.  I've seen improvement in our batting every game and I'm not worried about our bats. We were missing Steve and Alex and we had to move guys around, but I think we will get better as we play together a bit longer and get into a rhythm.

The Hurtin' Units' next game is June 5th vs.The Draft Kings. 

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