Friday, October 4, 2024

Hot Diggity Dog.

Game # 16 - July 24th, 2024

Hurtin' Units vs. Dogcatchers

Hurtin' Units win 12-11

Team Record – 5-11-0

Coventry Park – For this game, we find ourselves on C2, my least favourite diamond that the league plays on. I'm not sure what I don't like about it. What's not to like? The dugouts are great, with that little shelf to put your drinks and gloves, shelter from the sun (in the dugouts), close access to the lights and washrooms, a great infield and yet I don't like playing on this diamond. I'll tell you what I don't like, I don't like the sun in the eyes of the players at 7:00 and 8:00pm games and the shadows accompanying the sunshine. It's a small thing, but it's bothersome when you don't see hard-hit balls coming at you.

For this game we find ourselves playing the Dogcatchers for the first time this season. Larry had to get 4 subs to field a team for this game. There was a little discussion about cancellation of the game, but the weather was good and I didn't want to play another make-up game at 9:30pm on some other night. The Dogcatchers picked up 4 subs and the Units picked up 1 sub on the night. It seems like teams are using a lot of subs recently, I subbed the game after this one and the Brew Birds also had 4 subs also.

I know the replacement date is fast approaching and some teams have requested replacement players, but every game appears to have subs playing. The Units and the Meatballs have both requested replacement players. The Brew Birds will probably be next. That is if there is anyone left on the waiting list. If anybody knows anyone who might want to play the rest of the season, get them to sign up, the deadline is almost here.

On Tuesday night the games were all cancelled due to thunderstorms and the Units will have to make up that game somewhere down the road. Next Monday is our make-up game.

Game time:

I mentioned the weather was good for this 8:00 pm game (see image with weather) and yes the sun was in our eyes at the start. At game time the Units had 9 players dressed in Unit's shirts and the Dogcatchers had 6 guys of their own (that's what the sub list is for), the Units picked up Darren Ford and the Dogcatchers picked up, Shaun Car., Mike C., Jason F., and Kyle S. The scorekeeper was Terri Russell and the Umpire was Steve.

I'm not going to get into a lot of details for this game, I might just post the game sheets and be done with it. What I will say is, this game had some funny moments. It was a good back-and-forth game. The Units had the lead, the Dogcatchers had the lead and it went back and forth, that was how the game was. One of the funniest parts was with Stef Kapp, (Stef has played on the Units several times), Stef struck out twice (not really something he does) and the entire Dogcatcher bench was encouraging him to do so again on his last at-bat. The beer, beer, beer, beer chant was used several times in this game. There were definitely some funny moments in this game. Hey Stef, if it makes you feel any better, Jamie Zander also stuck out in this game, but he then went on to hit 2 in the park home-runs.

Last season, the Hurtin' Units only had 1 homerun (in the park or over the fence) all season, it came almost at the end and was hit by Justin C. In this game, the Units had 3 (one in the park by Darren Ford). Speaking of Justin, I thought he had a great game, he hit the ball well and was solid defensively at 3rd base.

Okay, I've babbled on too long, the end result was the Units scored runs late in the game and held on for a 12-11 win.

The Units are back on Keogh on Monday night, July 29th vs. The Tap Masters. This is the make-up game for last week's rain-out.

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