Sunday, April 5, 2015


"We may lose and we may win,
though we may never be here again,
So open up I'm climbin' in, so take it easy" - EAGLES

TOTTENHAM- When the draft concluded last April 5th, I was excited about the team Mike and I had picked. The team looked solid from top to bottom. We thought we had picked the higher players with respect to where each player was rated. This was what I wrote on the blog following the draft ..."On April 5th, 2014 the T.O.T baseball league held it's annual blind baseball draft. The teams were picked and the Hurtin' Units should change their name to the Bandits. I think we came away with a really nice looking team (when I say nice looking, I don't mean how the players look). We have a great mix of solid players and it should be a fun season." This is really how I felt when I looked at the roster we had chosen. I don't believe anyone
would have said that we would end up in 15th place. Ya never know what you're going to

I went back and looked at the teams that finished last over the last 5 seasons. The Hurtin' Units were not the worst of the bunch, at least as far as wins/ losses is concerned. When it comes to plus/ minus that's a different story. 

On the field, last season did not start off very well. For the first time in the Hurtin' Units history, we lost our season opening game. Maybe, just maybe, it was because we were so discombobulated from the way the season got started...or should I say, didn't get started.

If everyone can recall, the start of the 2014 season was a disaster. The lights at Keogh Park were disconnected over the winter and were not reconnected until it was brought to the town's attention. Even after the town remembered the problem, after it was brought to their attention, it took a couple of weeks to get the problem rectified.

In addition to the light problem, there was the torn up outfield on Coventry diamond # 2, which was supposed to be fixed by the knuckleheads who torn it up, but for some reason it didn't get done. This left only Coventry #3 for actual play. 

These problems would see the T.O.T executive to make a decision to reduce the number of games in the schedule to 22 games per team. The schedule (which had already been produced) was completely revamped. And when the lights and diamond conditions were resolved, the weather would slow the number of games we would get in. 

The Hurtin' Units would only play 4 games in The month of May...This should have been a sign of things to come. And it was, the Hurtin' Units would lose their first 11 games, and it wasn't until July 16th, 2015, game #12, that the first win came against the Dusty Cleats by a score of 20-16. The stink was off the monkey!!

During the first 11 games we had our chances to win, but then we would have a bad inning defensively or our bats would go ice cold with quick outs to put us back on the field. If you string enough bad games together the confidence of everyone seems to wane; I believe that's what happened to the 2014 Units team. I think that if the same 2014 Hurtin' Units had a do over, the results would probably be quite different.

Off the field, the 2014 Units didn't do much team bonding; most the team lived outside of the Tottenham area and very few guys would stick around post game. We had 7 players who lived outside Tottenham, compared to the 2013 team which had 9 players from town and the ones that lived outside (including el presidente, Mr Jamie M. and Coxy) would find there way back to the Legion. These days very few responsible people want to have a few beers and drive home. 

There were many-o-nights when it was just Mike and I at the Legion. Mike with a big jug of barley juice and me drinking a soda. Art did spend some nights in Legion with us, probably more than any other player. Our chances of winning the keg party were pretty slim in 2014. I don't believe that guys didn't come back because we were losing, I think most guys knew they had a bit of a drive home and didn't want to chance having a few barley pops and driving home. 


Since the end of the 2014 season the T.O.T league has lost two very special people that were loved by everyone. Esau Lewin and Jamie McClean both passed away within a month of each other. These guys will be missed for a sportsmanship, friendships and their contributions to our league. 

Esau - On February 14th, I received an e-mail from Jeff D. Informing me that Esau had passed away. I was shocked to hear this this; I knew about his illness, but had not realized it had progressed so quickly. I remember sometime last fall, I had received an e-mail from Esau informing me of his illness and that he was going to begin treatment in near future.

Off the playing field, I didn't know Esau very well, I knew he had a farm and dealt with horses, but other than this I really didn't know much. Esau didn't come back to the Legion very often, so most of getting to know him was on the field.

On the field, Esau was fun and always very upbeat. Even when the Units were at their lowest, I recall receiving emails from him telling me how patient I was, and that things were going to get better.

Things didn't really get much better, although we did manage to win 3 games and tie another, so maybe things did get a little bit better. Esau always seemed to bring a positive energy to the park and when he was in lineup there was a warm feel around our team. Maybe it was that contagious smile or that soft tone in his voice. He always played hard in our games.

I believe Esau was our 11 rated player. I remember Mike and I saying we probably got the best of the 11s. That discussion wasn't that far off, Esau was a solid player. He had a cricket player swing, but he could hit the ball hard and spray it all around the diamond. One thing I noticed early in the season was how strong his glove was and how he could snag the hard shots. Over the past couple of seasons, I had only seen him playing catcher, but it wasn't long before I had the young fella over at first base. He seemed to really like playing first base and I liked having him there. Esau will definitely be missed by everyone in the league. Forever in our hearts, rest in peace my friend. 

Jamie- Even more of a shock to me was when I received an email  from Steve R., informing the league, that the passed president of the T.O.T league and former Hurtin Units player Jamie McClean had suddenly passed away while out in B.C.

Jamie played for the Hurtin in 2013, his last season as president. I really enjoyed playing on the same team with him. A solid baseball player and teammate. He was also a good athlete. I know he loved cycling and on a couple of occasions I played squash with him at the Nottawasaga. He kicked my ass all around the court, but I still enjoyed it. Who doesn't like a good ass kickin' every once and a while; after last baseball season you'd think I'd be used to it.  

Jamie was the second T.O.T president to play for the Hurtin' Units; in 2010 Chris Ross played on the Units. We will probably draft Steve R. (current Prez)  this upcoming

Off the field, I spent a little more with Jamie, than I did with Esau. When Jamie played with the Units, he would always come back to the Legion and usually he would have beer and be available for any league concerns or issues.

Jamie was really a good guy, on and off the field, and he will be sadly missed.

Draft Day She's a coming.

The  T.O.T draft is scheduled for April 11 this year, a week later than most years, this is because of where the the Easter weekend falls this year. Mike and I are looking forward to this year's draft and going in thinking we can not have a worst season than last. If we do, that's it, we are out of here.

This upcoming could season could very well be our last kick at the can anyway. At the end of last season, Mike and I had discussions about whether or not we would continue in to the 2015 season, but we both agreed that we could not go out this way with the worst record in our team's history. We also decided we should make a few changes for the 2015 season. One change we will make will be the colour of our shirts. We have been in black with yellow piping for the last 2 seasons and it has done nothing for us. This upcoming season we will be sporting a new look (anything but black). We are also in discussions about changing our logo, but no decision has been made on what to use, probably something bloggable.

When the season concluded in 2014, two teams announced that they would not  be returning. The Blues Brothers and the Brew Jays. As I have mentioned on several occasions, the Brew Jays  came into the league the same year as the Units and we almost went out in the same year, if hadn't been such a bad season for the Units, we probably would have called it quits.

I'm looking forward to the draft and hopefully this years edition of  the Hurtin Units can compete for a title. I go into the draft with a more even keel this year, knowing that no matter what your team looks like, the true test is on the field. Welcome to 2015, welcome to the new Units.

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