Saturday, June 26, 2010



Game # 9- June 23, 2010

Hurtin' Units win 14-8

Team Record- 7-1-1

 Keogh Park- Well it's been quite a week, 3 games two of which were scheduled at 9:30pm. On the day of the 3rd game this week, mother nature or the universe, really doesn't matter what you call it, was busy. She gave us more than enough to make things interesting. At approximately 1:40pm, on Wednesday afternoon, I was sitting on Rob Farah's front step talking shop; subs for tonight's game, severe thunderstorm warnings, what to do if the weather doesn't let us play, etc., when we began to feel the step vibrate beneath us. This feeling lasted 10 to 20 seconds. The vibration we experienced was an earthquake or tremor of 5.0 magnitude and it was felt by half the province. In addition to the earthquake, there was a chance severe thunderstorms later in the evening and further north ( the Midland area) a F2 tornado touched down around our game time.

The rain and the thunderstorms did develop, shaking and rattling their way through, but fortunately they came before the early game and all the games scheduled for Wednesday managed to get in. There was some controversy at the diamond when the first game ran late, making the second game run late, which was shortened by time constraints, making the 8:15pm teams a little rattled, but in order to get the games in, this had to be done. Brad the umpire, was misinformed about playing 7 innings and I'm sure that this won't happen again.

As it was, the Hurtin' Units and the Grisslies game was delayed by 20 minutes and we did not get started until 9:50pm, giving us only a hour and ten minutes until Keogh lights shut off.

At game time, humidity was brutal, just standing around made you sweat, and again the mosquitoes feasted on Chris Ross. There were plenty of dark storm clouds blowing through the area and several times I felt rain drops during the game. The rain held off and the game was completed by the skin of our teeth (10:58pm) and the Units completed a three game sweep for the week, final score 14-8. Final totals for the week, 6-5 vs. Banshees, 25-8 vs. Dusty Cleats, and 14-8 vs. The Grisslies. For the week, 45 total runs for and 21 total runs against, an average of 15 runs per game for and 7 runs per game against... Nice plus/ minus week...

When I took attendance at game time (actually around 9:30pm), we were all accounted for, at least the guys who said they were going to be here. Chris Nyers was working, Tom Perry was picking his wife up at the airport, and Don Curran couldn't make the game. I called for a sub, our thanks go out to John Tessier for filling in for us.

Okay, let's get to the game. The game lacked any flair or drama. There were no outstanding plays or real highlights. The Hurtin' Units (probably a little fatigued from playing 2 games over the last 2 nights), were not as sharp defensively this night, but still managed to hold the Grisslies to only 8 runs. In 9 games played this season, we have kept our opponents to 10 runs or less against us 8 times.

In this addition of the blog, I decided to try putting in a box score to show the runs scored.

                    1st    2nd    3rd    4th    5th   6th   7th   Total

Hurtin' Units   5      2       1        0       2       0      4        14
Grisslies          2      0       0        1       4       0      1         8 

This was a good week for us, going 3 wins for 3 games. There were no outstanding plays in tonight's game, there were good defensive plays, Mikey O. and Jimmy Mac made some nice catches in the outfield, everyone had some good a bats, Paul said it was his best game of the season and if he says it was, I believe him. Who would know better?

Our next game is scheduled for Tuesday June 29th at Coventry Park at 7:00pm against the Banshees, a team that we squeaked by earlier this week by a score of 6-5. Until next game... UNITS UNWIND!!

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