Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Where did the summer go? 

The 2018 season is almost over and I didn't even think about the blog or discussing any of our game on the blog. This year I really just wanted to play and captain the Hurtin' Units. Don't get me wrong there was lots to talk about. The Hurtin' Units had a great squad this season, from top to bottom this was a team that was fun, competitive and we had a chance to win the league.

Yes, we had a chance to win, but in our last nine games the wheels fell off a bit and with out consistency the teams around us managed to put some distance between us and the top spot. The Draft Kings got off to an incredible start on the season and held 1st place most of the season, but the Tap Masters were a run scoring machine and eventually grabbed the top spot and held on for the title of League Champions. 

The Hurtin' Units did have the # 1 spot in the standings for a few games, but slid down the standings quickly, after losing 6 of 7 games. At one point in the season the Units had a 8 game winning streak. We also lost some really close games. Four of our loses were by 1 run to four  of the top teams, Grisslies, Dog Catchers, Draft Kings and Tap Masters. At times, I thought we played to our competition, we seemed to play the good teams hard and the teams, lower in the standings, a bit more lackadaisical. We had a chance to win the league, but it was not to be. We actually had a deal with Pete that if we won the league he would have to braid his goatee. Maybe next season Pete. 

I look at the final standings and think what an incredible first half the Hurtin' Units had. In our first 17 games we were 13-4-0. Then the wheels fell off...In our last 9 games we were 1-8-0 and even with such an awful finish to the season, we finished in 6th position. 

In the playoffs, the Hurtin'Units losing woes continued. We even had a game in the bag, but a infield fly (a routine catch) was missed and the other team went on to win the game. The Hurtin' Units would finish the playoffs with a 0-4 record and would be finished the season on the Saturday.  

It really was a good team, it was a good season, but something happened and we could not get back on track again... Thanks go out to all the Hurtin' Units in the 2018 season. I hope 2019 has a good of group of guys.   

Congratulations go out to the Tap Masters who won both the League and the Championship. 

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