Sunday, June 8, 2014



Game # 4 - May 28th, 2014

Hurtin' Units lose 26-10

Team Record -0-4-0

Keogh Park- At 6:00pm the temperature has hovering around 28 degrees Celsius and with the humidity it felt more like 32 degrees. The temperature and humidity were still hanging around at game time (8:15), it didn't take much movement before we were sweating. 

For this game we were missing Art, Clouch and Coxy. We picked up Stef K. and Peter H. for subs in this game. Earlier in the evening, Gary Cox called me and told me he had to pack it in for the season. Coxy's knee problem wasn't improving and he didn't want to hold the team back. I was a little saddened to hear this news, I think Coxy is a character guy and he would have fit in great with our team.

As I am writing this blog posting, I can tell you that Hurtin' Units have already played game # 5 against the Dodge City Rounders and lost again (what can I say, I'm a little bit in my blogging). 

The Hottub Woodys are really a solid hitting team and they can score runs in bunches. The night before this game, the Woodys were playing the Rusty Rebels and the Rebels were leading going in to the open inning. The Hottub Woodys would score 16 runs in the open inning to win the game...Yea, they can score in bunches!  I our game with the Woodys, we only played 6 innings and gave up 26 runs. The boxscore really shows how strong they are offensively. 

After the game, Mike and I were walking in to the league and Mike says to me " it's like we're jinxed" referring to the way that our season has started. I said " I forgot to smudge the bats this season". I like to smudge the bats before the season starts, I forgot to do it and I will do it before the next game.

The next day, I was thinking about how many strange things have occurred this season. I thought maybe the Hurtin' Units have somehow been thrown in to bizzaro world. The Units have played some good games, but are being beat by nickel and dime hits. The team has not thrown the ball all over the field, or made egregious errors, we are just being beat by good seeing eye hits and little flares all over the field. This doesn't happen 5 games in a row in the real world. 

Going in to this game (game #4) I had not walked a single batter (first came in this game against John) and in the past I was good for a couple a game, not this season...Bizzare 

Over the last 4 seasons, the Hurtin' Units never had a designated catcher (always catcher by committee) and this season we have 4 players who played catcher in previous seasons...Bizzare. 

This season, 75% of the Hurtin' Units roster lives outside of Tottenham. This has never happened in our 4 year history...Bizzare

This is the first season that we have the same shirt colours as any other season. This season we are playing again in the black and yellow. Our first season was blue with white lettering, second was blue with yellow, third was green with yellow lettering, and last season was black and yellow the exact same as this season...Bizzare. 

The Hurtin' Units have never started a season with a record of 0-5. In fact, the Units have never lost an opening night game...this season was our first season losing the opening game...Bizzare.

Throw in all the strange events around the start of the season (lights at Keogh, Coventry Park #2 field conditions and rain outs in week #2, the reduction of games on the season) and it all adds up to Bizzaro World. 

So if the 2014 Hurtin' Units are indeed now in Bizzaro World, what do we do to change things up in the win column? I assume that we need to do things differently (batting order, positions and pitching). The Hurtin' Units have to the opposite to what we have done in the past to get back on track...Bizzare. 

Walk Watch- G-1, S-1, John 

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